Summer here at CH was off to a great start with a visiting group from Adventure Christian Church this past week. This was Brandon’s 2nd time here at CH, and this time he brought 3 incredible women back with him, Denise, Carrie, and Carolyn.
The 4 of them had quite a week of getting to know the kids and participating in our programs. They helped our kids in their jail ministry, street feeding, kids prison outreach, and Badjao outreach, as well as led the kids in some devotions and just plain had fun!! What a great team, and a great week all the kids and staff had getting to know them. Highlights include- graduation party in the 16 ft pool!; eating the smelliest fruit ever; seeing first hand the poverty of a third world; handing food to the hungry; rockin out with the kids to some new Christian songs; some kids learning a new instrument; popcorn fight!; street kids rapping and break dancing; fresh coconut and a great view after a long hike; pig skin and fish eyes… for lunch!; waking up to kids praising the Lord; becoming part of one very big family!
The kids are so aware of how God is using people and churches in the US to provide for them and send them to school. Each and every day here the kids pray for the sponsors and supporters of CH. Having a team come who represent those people that the kids pray for is incredibly meaningful. Thanks “aunties and uncle” Brandon, Denise, Carrie, and Carolyn!
“When you call on Jesus, all things are possible”
Mallary and ALL,
Thank you for YOU!!!!
Your hospitality was above and beyond!!! We will never forget the "unending" assortment of foods some of which were a really an adventure/treat. I trully felt we experienced God in your welcoming faces, caring attitudes and genuine concern. The pictures and video are wonderful memories. Tell the kids we miss them BIG TIME!!! The songs they sang ring in our heads & hearts,even as we are sleeping. Mallary, you are all in our prayers. May God continue to bless and provide for you.
Love and Blessings Always,
Auntie Carrie (& Auntie Carolyn)
WOW, many CONGRATULATIONS!! God rewards those who "hang on faithfully" and they have. What a testimony and what a happy day!! Laurice truly is one of the most caring people I know. Her sweet smile and gentle concern for others will make her perfect for blessing this family and their little one.
Also CONGRATULATIONS to Chris. He is well on his way to his goal. Life isn't always easy the road may be bumpy and crooked but with God's help we can stay on the path!! I'm looking forward to eating at a restaraunt and/or staying at a hotel he manages-YAY!!!
What a wonderful blessing you are and have been. I know things haven't been (and sometimes aren't) easy for you but you have allowed God to work through you - how completely wonderful!!! Know that wherever you go you are a reflection of God. I'm very honored to be a part of your family. You are always in my prayers.
(Auntie) Carrie Babb
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