Hoping you had a wonderful thanksgiving in the states. I enjoyed a day with many blessing as i cooked an American/Filipino thanksgiving dinner in campus for the singles staff members. I even made a real "pumpkin" pie from scratch out of squash and stuffed some chickens! There were many things to be thankful for this year... this ministry, our kids, my great co-workers, opportunities for outreach, and especially my wonderful friends and family who support me from the other side of the world!
I can't believe that December is already here! I miss the cold, but in exchange I enjoyed a nice beach day this past Sunday with the staff. As the holidays are approaching we are preparing for Christmas here at CH. We have a month full of caroling, outreach, feedings, church thanksgiving, decorating, and a program in campus. My favorite part of a CH Christmas is the ability to bless those who have no way of celebrating that day. Our kids and staff will bring food and joy to many street kids, prisoners, and Badjao... and this is the greatest gift we can receive this year! I posted some pictures of the Badjao "at work" to give you a glimpse into their lives. These pictures are taken from a ship pulling into the peir. The Badjao dive for coins being tossed off the boats, as their children are layed out in the boat calling to the people. In this environment was how I first met the Badjao about 2 years ago. I am now thankful for the ministry of our CH college kids to a local Badjao community. Here our kids are slowly getting to know the families as we feed and minister to these Muslim tribal families. Our kids are working on learning their language and toning their skills of ministry in a sensitive religious atmosphere. Please pray for this work, both to reach the Badjao and also to work in the disciple training of our college students.
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